We specialize in legacy building -- which means expertly planning how best to position your interests, aspirations, and resources in creative ways that result in consequential achievements with permanent benefits. This is attained by establishing strategic partnerships with institutions and individuals who have proven track records advancing the status of contemporary art, the preservation of historic decorative art, the protection of the environment, the promotion of well-being, and the deserved respect for human rights. We also proactively support stewardships, proving a sophisticated platform on which they achieve stability and growth. We are motivated by the dictums "nothing is guaranteed anymore" and "innovate or stagnate," and are energized by speed (rapid progress) and scale (all inclusiveness). Immediately rejecting insularity is what we do best. For two decades, pushing boundaries has been the secret of our success.
Richard A. Fisher, Founding Director / Institute for Venture Philanthropy
Cell: 404.277.8543 / Land: 404.235.0626 / mcfisher@mindspring.com
Mail: 1717 N. Decatur Road
P.H. 409
Atlanta, Georgia 30307